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We have a wide range of policies on all aspects of school life. Some key policies can be found below. If you would like further information, please contact the office. 

Paper copies of these documents are available from the office upon request.

You will need PDF Reader to view these documents, if you do not have it please download from here

Pupil Remote Learning Policy Jan 2021

Coronavirus Privacy Policy

Coronavirus Behaviour Policy Addendum

Outbreak Management Plan for Primary Setting

Main Policies

Accessibility Improvement and Equalities Action Plan, 2020-2023

Acceptable Use Policy

Anti-bullying Policy

Admissions Policy

Attendance Information For Parents

Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Principles

Charging & Remissions

Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy

Code of Conduct

Complaints Policy

Cyber Response Plan Policy

Data Protection (GDPR) Policy

Disciplinary Policy and Procedure

E-Safety Policy

EYFS Policy

Education Visits Policy

Governors Allowances

Governors Privacy Notice

Health and Safety

Looked After Child Policy

Managing allegations against staff

Managing pupils who cannot attend school

Mental health and emotional wellbeing

Pay Policy

PHSE and RSE Policy

Privacy Policy

Pupils, Parents and Guardians Privacy Notice

Remote Learning

Resolving Issues at Work Policy and Procedure

Recruitment and Selection

Safeguarding Policy

SEND Policy

Single Equality Scheme

Web Accessibility

Workforce Privacy Notice

Whistleblowing Policy