Keeping our pupils safe online
As always, the safeguarding of our pupils when they are working online is really important to us. There are many ways in which we keep them safe whilst they are online. For instance:
- We use an Internet Service Provider whose filtering software is dynamic, updated daily and specifically designed for educational establishments.
- We use Smoothwall Cloud, software which keeps our pupils safe, irrespective of which Internet connection their device is using.
- We ensure that aspects of e-safety are regularly taught to pupils throughout the curriculum. Please see our curriculum documentation for further details.
- We ensure that pupils know what to do if they come across something online that they don't like.
You are able to view full Online & E-Safety Policy here.
Please use the links on this page to support our curriculum and help keep children safe online.

Parent Zone - Online Financial Harms

Artificial Intelligence - Safety tips for parents

Manipulative marketing in games

Report Remove - Childline

Child Exploitation and Online Protection command

Online safety education programme from the National Crime Agency's CEOP command

Helping parents keep their children safe online

The experts in digital life

Help and advice for families in a digital world.

Helping to make the internet a great and safe place for children.

We equip school staff, parents and pupils with the knowledge they need to understand online dangers.

Safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe online

Net Aware

Vodaphone Digital Parenting

Learning Disabilities, Autism and Internet Safety