Our overall intent is that pupils when they leave Y6 will be equipped within the three areas of: computer science, information technology and digital literacy.
Computer science is the foundational knowledge required to understand and interpret the other areas of the computing curriculum. Information Technology provides the contexts for how computers are used in society and we hope to inspire children to be creative in a digital world and appreciate the impact technology has on everyday life. Within Digital Literacy, our priority is to ensure our pupils are equipped to keep themselves safe online and understand the impact of their digital footprint.
Computing is a key subject where we promote Building Learning Power skills: children are constantly encouraged to develop perseverance, collaboration, imitation, interdependence, manage distractions, capitalise, plan, imagine, revise, absorption and their ability to notice.
Our golden threads are: being connected and playing a responsible part within the global community; and utilising a wide range of BLP skills to best of my ability to be an effective problem solver.
For computing, we follow the Purple Mash scheme of learning. The documents below show the progressive key learning that takes place in this subject across all key stages.
Curriculum & Subject Progression
Knowledge Organisers & Subject Support
KS1 | Knowledge Organiser Year A & B | Vocabulary |
KS2 | Knowledge Organiser Year A | Vocabulary |
KS2 | Knowledge Organiser Year B | |
SoW Skills Checker | ||
Keeping our pupils safe online
- We use an Internet Service Provider whose filtering software is dynamic, updated daily and specifically designed for educational establishments.
- We use Smoothwall Cloud, software which keeps our pupils safe, irrespective of which Internet connection their device is using.
- We ensure that aspects of e-safety are regularly taught to pupils throughout the curriculum. Please see our curriculum documentation for further details.
- We ensure that pupils know what to do if they come across something online that they don't like.