Children have another multiplication grid to fill out in their maths homework books. Please have your books in school for 01.10.18.
All children have 2 Mathletics activities which need to be completed by 01.10.18. These are all on aspects of place value. These have been set by myself therefore will load up automatically when your child logs in. Remember to spend time playing on Mathletics throughout the week. Completing an activity 3 times, with at least an 85% accuracy rating means you are well on your way to mastering a concept!
A reminder that children need to have read four time between 24.09.18 and 01.10.18. This should be written up in their reading record book. This can include time spent on Reading Eggspress.
Don’t forget to work on your topic homework. Some projects have already started to come into school and look fabulous in our entrance hall.