This week, Eagles held their special assembly for parents, and held an Oscar ceremony for their recently created e-safety animations.
This term’s e-safety work has been based on how to stay safe on line. The children have had a visit from our local PCSO, Heather McPherson, and a visit to Crucial Crew at RAF Leeming – both of which reinforced the e-safety message they had been learning in class. Their ICT brief was to design, script and create an animation for the younger children in the school to teach them about e-safety. In case you missed their fabulous and informative assembly, here are their Oscar nominations!
Best Acting: Edie, Dylan and Aleks
Best Script: Mackenzie, Tyler and Tom
Clearest Message: Caden, Aaron and Nathan
Best Artwork: Katie, Lili, Harry and Kieran
The films were made on i-pads using Puppet Pals. The children worked collaboratively in groups to make their films.